Engineers Without Borders USA: Handwashing Stations in Kampala, Uganda

by Harry Goldhagen; Published 9/18/20

Woman washing her hands at a new handwashing station
Source: EWB-USA

Handwashing plays a vital role in reducing the spread of infectious diseases, including Covid-19. But a large proportion of the global population — the World Bank estimates three billion — does not have consistent access to soap and water.

Engineers Without Borders USA is a hard-working group of volunteer engineers who partner with local communities to provide solutions to basic problems such as clean water, electricity and safe sanitary systems. Among their many projects is their work to install handwashing stations in Kampala, Uganda, including the busy Ntinda Market. This project is under the direction of Zoe Pacciani.

Here is an excerpt from a recent story about their efforts:

“The handwashing station is one of more than 200 being installed in high-traffic areas in and around Kampala’s town center. It is one of six in the Ntinda Market. ‘Given the role local markets play in linking urban and rural economies, providing economic opportunity, and creating active public spaces, it is important to protect and enhance community markets and the people who depend upon them,’ says Pacciani.

“… the handwashing stations serve not only as important visual reminders for good hand hygiene, but also provide valuable opportunities for the 500-800 people passing through the Market each day to do the most basic and quite possibly the most effective thing to prevent disease: wash their hands.”

Read the complete story here.

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