Motivated by his experiences, Stan Brock, known from his work on the original Wild Kingdom show, came up with the concept of an all-volunteer healthcare program that would provide free services to people in need in remote parts of the world. In 1985, RAM was born, with a mission to provide free medical, dental, vision, and veterinary care to underserved people living in isolated areas within the United States and around the world.
In February, duffel bags filled with supplies went with a surgical mission to New Delhi, and sutures were sent to Liberia to support Physicians for Peace in their efforts at cleft palate repair. On March 13, the first 40-foot container of unused medical supplies left for Haiti to support the work of Partners in Health.
When Dr. So moved to San Francisco, he noticed that Asian patients in his practice were dying from liver disease. He has been pursuing hepatitis B ever since.
One of the most tragic aspects of the global HIV epidemic affects those left behind. These are the orphans of parents who died from AIDS, or children abandoned because their parents were too sick to care for them.